Therapist Group Business Coaching.

Our field can only change for the better.

Healing is radical.

As therapists, we are tasked with facilitating healing for our clients. They put their trust in our ability, which is honed by years of experience, continuous learning & fierce compassion. We are paid to help make their lives easier. There is no room for capitalist exploitation.

Build an anti-exploitative practice.

Clinicians are taught how to facilitate healing, not run a business.

A growing number of us are anti-capitalist, making the idea of being a “small business owner” feel yucky. Our options can feel limited.

Many clinicians have no other choice than to work at large group practices, or mills, that take at least half of your pay. This only grows the wealth of the group practice owner. This does not have to be the norm.

I’m happy to tell you, there are other options.

Business coaching can be life/career changing, but it can be expensive, especially if you’re just starting out.

That’s why Comradely Therapy has created a Group Coaching Offering, where you can learn how to build a solo practice or a therapist cooperative, alongside likeminded clinicians from around the world.

Group business coaching.

You can be a healer and not exploit the labor of others. You can be radical in both your values and the treatment you provide. You can build a practice that fits into your life, not the other way around.

If you’ve been looking for a more affordable business coaching option with other radical therapists, you’ve come to the right place.

“Our field is a place of exploitation. New clinicians suffer the most, getting trapped in contracts that keep them at bad jobs for years. All while caring for the mental wellbeing of 25+ clients. This does not have to be the norm. Change starts with us.”

— Comradely Therapy

Group Business Coaching FAQs:

How much do business coaching sessions cost?

$25-50 sliding scale - pay what you can!

When do meetings take place?

Every other Thursday at 5pm ET.

Who is welcome at these meetings?

Therapists, social workers, psychologists. Anyone who can call themselves and clinician.

You do not need to be US based!

How do I get started?

Complete this interest form, schedule a call with me, and we’ll go from there!

What is the difference between a therapist and a coach?

A therapist is a licensed clinician trained in psychotherapy. Coaches can be certified, but it is not required.

Coaches help with actionable goals to achieve long term dreams, while therapists explore current and past issues that may be holding a client back. Therapists do not give advice, but they help a client see all the options. Coaches give feedback and provide the client with options that are proven to be effective for a successful outcome.

What does a business coach do?

A business coach takes a hands on approach in guiding the business owner, helping them create a business that aligns with their values and goals.

Why would a therapist need a business coach?

Therapists often internalize messages given to them by society. This includes ideas that they cannot have financial security, cannot take time off, cannot work too little, cannot have a sustainable schedule, need to see as many clients as they can fit into a day, etc.

I am here to help you unlearn this stigma, and build a private practice and suits your needs, making you a better clinician with a more fulfilling life.

How will we meet?

Our meetings will take place over Google Meet. You will receive your unique link in a calendar invitation.